How has Calgary Reads
made a difference to you?
It would mean so much to us if you would take a moment to sign our guestbook and share a few words about your experience with Calgary Reads. Thank you!
6 entries.
I'm very pleased to hear that people are interested in making sure that every child has been given an opportunity to progress ahead in reading and learning since the devastating effects of the pandemic.
What an incredible resource Calgary Reads is for the community and now it will continue to shine in its new form as well.
I consider myself extremely fortunate to have discovered Calgary Reads and the amazing initiatives that they have pursued over the past number of years. I have been a volunteer with Calgary Reads for almost a decade, starting with sorting books at the infamous Big Book Sale and later, helping out with some video work for the team. I have learned so much about the importance of early literacy, book ownership and the overall benefits of reading...something I took for granted for so many years. To know that there are many - living in this city - that do not have the reading tools needed to thrive was an absolute eye-opener for me. To see the passion and commitment from each and every person I have met at Calgary Reads has been motivating to my core. There are special people here and I wish each and every one of them the best in their future endeavors. I am saddened to see Calgary Reads dissolve, but am comforted in knowing that Steacy and team have paid care and attention to where the existing programs/initiatives will be going. It's clear that the group at Calgary Reads still sees the importance and need for early literacy champions and I know that the dandelion seeds that have flown will land in the spots they were meant to go. I am optimistic for the future and wish everyone at Calgary Reads great happiness and success. They mean a great deal to me. Cheers!
If you want to save reading, teach children to read. Engage children in reading. “You have to raise your own customers”, a bookseller friend told me before we were opened and he was right…. Children’s booksellers have an ability to match books and children with such pinpoint accuracy they should be studied by educators worldwide.”
I can’t imagine that those ‘seven bigger partners’ can possibly reach the number of children – and the number of care givers – that Calgary Reads has partnered with over these many years. So I thank you again and again on behalf of the many *thousands* of children you have introduced to the lifelong joy of reading.
I can’t imagine that those ‘seven bigger partners’ can possibly reach the number of children – and the number of care givers – that Calgary Reads has partnered with over these many years. So I thank you again and again on behalf of the many *thousands* of children you have introduced to the lifelong joy of reading.
Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you to Steacy and everyone who has been involved with the success of Calgary Reads over so many years! As an educator and school-based leader, I have had the fortunate opportunity to work in multiple schools in which Calgary Reads programming and supports were ever-present and supporting and strengthening students, families, school staff and the community. The impact of the work of Calgary Reads has been far reaching and significant in magnitude.
What were the impacts you might ask? From initiatives that allow for plentiful book access to those students and families **who need it most**, to early intervention programming for Kindergarten children through Wee Read. From grade 1 and 2 students being supported to soar in their reading through Read Up programming to the support that English Language Learners with Read to ELLs have received. From the powerful connections that Calgary Reads has forged with community agencies to the capacity-building staff professional learning opportunities and parent seminars that have changed approaches and changed lives. From the Little Read Reading House where the magic and wonder of reading comes alive for all, to the Big Book Sale. From community awareness and advocacy, to Reading Places and Spaces. From the partnerships with post-secondary institutions to the partnerships with Calgary business… the incredible, plentiful and meaningful initiatives have had very long-lasting, significant impacts for literally tens of thousands of children, educators, parents and partners, in our community over the many years of Calgary Reads’ operation. These are just a few of the examples of work that Calgary Reads has done to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to read with confidence and joy and for their efforts, I am both awed and grateful.
What were the impacts you might ask? From initiatives that allow for plentiful book access to those students and families **who need it most**, to early intervention programming for Kindergarten children through Wee Read. From grade 1 and 2 students being supported to soar in their reading through Read Up programming to the support that English Language Learners with Read to ELLs have received. From the powerful connections that Calgary Reads has forged with community agencies to the capacity-building staff professional learning opportunities and parent seminars that have changed approaches and changed lives. From the Little Read Reading House where the magic and wonder of reading comes alive for all, to the Big Book Sale. From community awareness and advocacy, to Reading Places and Spaces. From the partnerships with post-secondary institutions to the partnerships with Calgary business… the incredible, plentiful and meaningful initiatives have had very long-lasting, significant impacts for literally tens of thousands of children, educators, parents and partners, in our community over the many years of Calgary Reads’ operation. These are just a few of the examples of work that Calgary Reads has done to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to read with confidence and joy and for their efforts, I am both awed and grateful.
Steacy, you are one amazing human with a giant heart and an incredible vision that planted a seed for Calgary Reads so many moons ago and watched it grow into what it has become now. For some reason I seem to even remember a story or the reading house being a reading house donated for a year and while many might think that was big volunteer work for a year, Calgary Reads saw it as an opportunity to make so many children fall in love with books and book nooks that it would be worth it. I visited twice with my kindergarten class pre-pandemic and it was a special experience that they talked about for the rest of the year and picking their own book to take home was a definite highlight. Now it has become a cornerstone in our community that is talked about in many Facebook groups for children’s book drops and Little Free Library book pickups I can’t wait to see where things take off from here. You do HEART work.